The Launchpad for Tomorrow’s Competitive Programming Champions — Targeted for Middle Schoolers
Does any of this sound familiar?
- “I keep wondering if my child’s coding skills are improving or if they’re just coasting along.”
- “I’m worried that my child isn’t enjoying coding as much because they don’t have friends to share their progress with.”
- “When my son or daughter codes independently at home, they often get stuck and frustrated.”
- “I believe USACO is important for prestigious colleges admissions. I want to make sure my child is fully prepared to excel in it.”
- “My child doesn’t know anyone their age who codes — I wish it wasn’t such a lonely learning process.”
- “Is my child really learning how to code if they always have someone telling them what to do?”

If any of these resonate with you, you’ve come to the right place.
Envision a future where:
- You no longer need to spend hours researching the perfect summer camp or class, as you have ideal challenges that increase in difficulty.
- Your child is eager to code at home and compete against a group of new friends with similar interests.
- You know your child’s coding fundamentals are strong because they can prove it independently.
- Your child is proud of their accomplishments and are confident in their readiness to tackle USACO in high school.
Our goal is to help your child achieve consistent growth in coding independence and maintain motivation through thrilling live contests with new friends.
Are you ready to make that happen?
Announcing Liftoff Coders League
The top 1-on-1 kids coding tutoring organization is now launching our own platform to solve this problem. It is called Liftoff Coders League and consists of weekly personalized problems and monthly live contests.
Liftoff Coders League will enable consistent growth with the coding fundamentals. In order for it to be consistent, it is necessary to make it fun. The thrilling live contests will bring the community together and include motivating leaderboards. Learning progress will be celebrated, including with stickers for the student’s water bottle or laptop.
It is targeted for middle school students who already have some experience in Python. However, the league is open to late elementary and early high school students as well. It will support a wide range of abilities, taking students all the way to being ready to study for USACO Bronze. In fact, if you are thinking about participating in USACO one day, think of Liftoff Coders League as the prerequisite to know your fundamentals are ready. Only then should you dive into the longer word puzzles and specific problem solving skills needed for the more difficult USACO Bronze problems.
Here’s how we’ll accomplish those goals.
Consistent Growth through Weekly Personalized Problems
Maintaining regular practice is how you advance in any skill, coding included. Even while enrolled in a class, we often see kids are given too much assistance and aren’t getting enough repetitions coding fully independently.
Each week Liftoff Coders League students will receive one interesting problem to solve with Python code. It will be the perfect challenge for that particular student and take under 30 minutes to solve. At the end of the week students can view the solution and their next problem difficulty will adjust based on how they did.
Kids love tracking their learning progress when they know it builds up to something. It will be like playing a game, with divisions to progress through, achievements like streaks, and celebrating accomplishments.
They will earn exclusive stickers both on the website and in real life. Students in the United States can request stickers mailed to them — put them on your water bottle, laptop, or wherever.
Exciting Community with Monthly Thrilling Contests
Too often kids learning to code are isolated from their friends and doing it as a one player journey. There’s nothing more motivating than learning alongside others. Liftoff Coders League is the perfect fun community of new friends all with similar interests.
Our monthly contests bring everyone together to compete live on a weekend. There are leaderboards and social features to connect with your new friends. Even though your coding is timed, it is a low pressure environment, more like a party.
By competing frequently, students will also gain familiarity with the timed USACO contest format.
Your Measuring Stick and Onto USACO Bronze
Liftoff Coders League is your measuring stick. Are you able to use the coding fundamentals to achieve your desired goal? Can you write code that works without bugs? Here is your consistent and engaging practice necessary to improve.
Too often students interested in USACO make the mistake of diving into the Bronze division before their coding fundamentals are mastered. USACO requires tough problem solving insights, so if you are devoting your brainpower to coding loops and arrays, you are going to struggle.
Each problem in Liftoff Coders League will be more straightforward and give increasingly difficult practice coding solutions. The top division of Liftoff Coders is validation that you are ready to start training for USACO Bronze problem solving.
Think of Liftoff Coders League as a prerequisite for USACO Bronze. First you want to prove your coding fundamentals are rock solid.
Launching June 2024
We are hard at work building the Liftoff Coders League platform and problems. There are some exciting incentives to join early and help shape the program.
The first 20 to sign up will receive a free USACO Bronze video course. This is the course Breakout Mentors made to cover the implementation tips and tricks you should know. It is 68 minutes of video with 24 code samples. Don’t miss out, sign up now!
One of the exclusive stickers students can earn is just for founding members. Plus there is the opportunity to share Liftoff Coders League with your friends, which increases the motivation to compete against them.
To sign up, please go here.
If you’d like to learn more about why we created Liftoff Coders League, please check out these articles: